
wunderweiss relaunched

wunderweiss has performed the technical relaunch of RS2 - Berlin, 94,3 RS2 - Der Supermix. Like Kronehit, this site relies heavily on Ajax, in order to have the radio station's web player continue playing during new page requests. The relaunch was based on Zend Framework and Silverstripe.

What I find interesting is the new approach to communication between the two frameworks. In the Kronehit project, data was read directly from Silverstripe's SQL tables, which has proved to be not overly maintenance-friendly. At Matthias Schelling's urging, a new approach was developed for RS2: XMLify. Thereby, a query is put to Silverstripe via Zend Framwork and HTTP GET requests, Silverstripe responds with the desired data in XML format.

This approach is many times more flexible and straightforward, those who are acquainted with the structure of Silverstripe's tables know why. Besides, the development can be encapsulated better, with XMLify you don't need much knowledge about Silverstripe itself. I am curious whether this solution will soon be available as a module.

Good work!