

My name is Dominique Lederer, and I have been a web application developer since 1999/2000. Having worked for renowned corporate clients from the start (like Telekom Austria, Allianz, o2 or Red Bull), and after completing my studies at FH Technikum Wien (Information and Communication Systems and Services), I became self-employed in 2007, in order to offer my clients first-hand quality.

Focusing on current and reliable technologies, I design, develop and maintain web applications. With constant education and training, I make sure to retain the cutting edge.

For further information, or if you are interested in a collaboration, please contact me on Xing, LinkedIn, Twitter, Mastodon, or drop me a mail @ [email protected]

Current Projects

Projects - done

  • CRM for KroneHIT: Flask, PostgreSQL. 2015-2023 [1]- CRM for KroneHIT: Flask, PostgreSQL. 2015-2024 [1]
  • Radio Austria: Flask API development, AWS Server maintenance. 2019-2024 [1]
  • Antenne Salzburg: Flask API development, AWS Server maintenance. 2019-2024 [1]
  • Radio Ton: Flask API development, AWS Server maintenance. 2017-2023 [1]
  • Relaunch Kronehit Radio 2018: Flask API development, AWS Server maintenance. 2018-2022 [1]
  • Relaunch Kronehit Radio 2013: Flask API development, AWS Server maintenance. 2013-2018 [1]
  • Relaunch KISS FM, der Beat von Berlin: Flask API development, AWS Server maintenance. 2017-2020 [1]
  • Relaunch Berliner Rundfunk 91.4: Flask API development, AWS Server maintenance. 2017-2020 [1]
  • Relaunch rs2 94,3: Flask API development, AWS Server maintenance. 2017-2020 [1]
  • ViennaEventCrew CRM: custom CRM with PostgreSQL, Zend Framework and ExtJS, hosted on AWS. 2009-2019
  • Wenatex Intranet: highly frequented complex application built on Python, Bluebream (formerly known as Zope 3) with RelStorage and SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL with Postgis, jQuery, Reportlab and Google Maps. 2007-2017 [1]
  • Radio Service Berlin: server maintenance. 2014 [1]
  • Kronehit Phonegap App: concept work, phonegap javascript interface. 2014 [1]
  • Topradio: server maintenance. 2013 [1]
  • Kindergruppe Sternenland: django, mezzanine project. 2013
  • Brandmair: conversion of existing flash page to html only. 2012
  • rs2 94,3: development and server maintenance. 2010 [1]
  • Berliner Rundfunk 91.4: development and server maintenance. 2010 [1]
  • KISS FM, der Beat von Berlin: development and server maintenance. 2010 [1]
  • Kronehit Portal: social network based on Zend Framework. 2009-2013 [1]
  • Kronehit iPhone App: most downloaded music app (2009) in the austrian app store. 2009 [1]
  • univercity 2015: templating with SIFR. 2009 [1]
  • Wenatex Portal: relaunch of the corporate website based on Plone. 2009 [1]
  • Wenapower: job platform, implemented with Zope 3. 2009 † [1]
  • NummerSicher: zend framework project. 2009 [1]
  • Kronehit Fanradio: KroneHit fan radio based on wordpress during the soccer EURO in Austria. 2008 † [1]
  • arch08: Architekturtage Wien based on drupal. 2008 [1]
  • Werbeagentur Andrea Preiss: silverstripe project. 2007 [1]
  • VAT: installation and implementation of mailman. 2007 † [1]
  • Bacher Systems: consulting/installation of OTRS (Open Source Trouble Ticket System). 2007
  • Stadtgespräche: as practical part of my degree thesis, the website was relaunched on the technical basis of Zope3. 2007

Further experience

By 09/2006 I had gained a lot of experience through salaried cooperation on projects for the following customers:

Agrana :: Allianz Deutschland :: Allianz Österreich :: Bank Winter :: BAWAG P.S.K. :: Dr. Richard :: EXPO 2000 Österreich :: Fiat :: Graz 2003 :: Gründerservice :: Kronehit :: Lancia :: Magna Steyr :: Mayr Melnhof :: Medwell 24 :: o2 :: ONE :: Red Bull :: Schenker :: Telekom Austria :: Turbo Schuh :: Vereinigte Bühnen Wien :: Viewturn :: WWF Österreich

[1](1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38) developed for wunderweiss


Web Application Development

Dominique Lederer
Josef-Lind-Straße 3/21
A-8230 Hartberg

UID: ATU63029216

BIC: NTSBDEB1XXX, IBAN: DE15 1001 1001 2623 6374 05